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12번째 줄: 12번째 줄:  
==논의 요청==
==논의 요청==
아래 소통국제화위원회 지원자를 심사하시여 인준을 요청드립니다.  
아래 소통국제화위원회 지원자를 심사하시여 인준을 요청드립니다.  
'''조호정 (19, 화학과)'''
'''조호정 (19, 화학과)'''
   20번째 줄: 21번째 줄:     
지원동기: 이전에 소국위 번역근로위원으로 활동한 경험이 있어서 재차 지원하였습니다
지원동기: 이전에 소국위 번역근로위원으로 활동한 경험이 있어서 재차 지원하였습니다
'''최지헌 (19, 전산학부)'''
'''최지헌 (19, 전산학부)'''
지원동기: For the past few years, as a member of the undergraduate association committee, I have been involved in several events in the student society. Out of the events, there were global ones that international students had a chance to participate actively, such as the Pioneers 2071, the KAIST 50th anniversary conference. Through these events, I have realized that communication between Korean and non-Korean students is crucial in our community. But unfortunately, as far as I am concerned, international students in KAIST are still alienated in various ways. The first step to relieving this sense of alienation would be providing the correct information and guarantee the right to know. I thought joining the Communication Globalization Committee would be the right way to put my ideas into practice.
지원동기: For the past few years, as a member of the undergraduate association committee, I have been involved in several events in the student society. Out of the events, there were global ones that international students had a chance to participate actively, such as the Pioneers 2071, the KAIST 50th anniversary conference. Through these events, I have realized that communication between Korean and non-Korean students is crucial in our community. But unfortunately, as far as I am concerned, international students in KAIST are still alienated in various ways. The first step to relieving this sense of alienation would be providing the correct information and guarantee the right to know. I thought joining the Communication Globalization Committee would be the right way to put my ideas into practice.
'''김승호 (18, 전산학부)'''
'''김승호 (18, 전산학부)'''
지원동기: 국제 학우들을 위해 원활한 영어 소통이 이루어지도록 도움을 드리고 싶습니다.
지원동기: 국제 학우들을 위해 원활한 영어 소통이 이루어지도록 도움을 드리고 싶습니다.
'''윤승환 (21, 새내기과정학부)'''
'''윤승환 (21, 새내기과정학부)'''

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