
(math-status-introduction: 3)




(math-test-start: (mw_math_mathml))

(math-test-success: Rendering the input "x^2+\text{a sample Text}")

(math-test-success: Comparing to the reference rendering)

(math-test-success: Rendering of a+b in plain MathML mode)

(math-test-success: Checking the presence of '+' in the MathML output)

(math-test-fail: Comparing the generated SVG with the reference)

(math-test-success: Checking if MathML input is supported)

(math-test-success: Rendering Presentation MathML sample)

(math-test-success: Checking if the link to SVG image is correct)

(math-test-end: (mw_math_mathml))